Solo and Ensemble Competitions

Note:  mailing addresses and phone numbers may be incorrect

Ensemble Competitions

Chamber Music in Yellow Springs Competition P. O. Box 448
Yellow Springs, OH 45387-0448

Fischoff Competition
Fischoff National Chamber Music Association
P. O. Box 1303
South Bend, Indiana 46624-1303

Ginger Turner Ensemble Competition

Manhattan International Music Competition

Petrichor International Music Competition

Plowman Chamber Music Competition
Missouri Theatre Center for the Arts
Historic Missouri Theatre
203 S. Ninth Street
Columbia, MO 65201
fax:  573-449-4214

Solo Competitions

American Fine Arts Festival Concerto Competition
Holmdel, NJ 07733

Contemporary Record Society National Competition for Performing Artists
Contemporary Record Society
724 Winchester Road
Broomall, PA 19008

Concert Artists Guild, 1-212-333-5200
850 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1205
New York, NY  10019
Fax: 1-212-977-7149

Delta Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, 1-870-935-1244
P. O. Box 689
State University, AR  72467

GLORY Int’l Strings, Winds & Percussion Competition

GLORY 25 under 25 Int’l Music Competition

International Trumpet Guild competition listings

International Trumpet Guild Youth Competitions

Jefferson Symphony Orchestra Young Artists Competition
P. O. Box 546
Golden, CO 80402-0546

Kingsville International Young Performers Competition
Kingsville Competitions
Station 1
P. O. Box 2873
Kingsville, TX 78363

Lakeshore Wind Ensemble Association Young Artist Solo Scholarship Competition
Lakeshore Wind Ensemble Association
705 Viebahn Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220-6699

National Trumpet Competition
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444

Roger Voisin Memorial Trumpet Competition (even-numbered years only)
Lynn University
3601 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Schubert Club Student Scholarship Competition
The Schubert Club
75 W. 5th Street, Suite 302
St. Paul, MN 55102

Susan Slaughter Solo Competition

United States Army Band National Collegiate Solo Competition

Vienna International Music Competition

William C. Byrd Young Artist Competition – Brass (odd-numbered years only)

Young Concert Artists International Auditions
Young Concert Artist, Inc.
250 West 57 Street
New York, NY 10107