HBM – Fingering

Least of a brass players concerns, but eventually other things are good and the fingers become the problem


  1. Insist on the correct hand position and fast fingers from day one
  2. Bang the valves, click the valves, the valve is either up or down, slow tempo does not mean slow fingers – Earl Hesse

Practice techniques to solve fingering issues:

  1. Slow  – Isaac Stern – 16th note gets 4 beats – Kevin Trudeau:  Mega Memory and lost keys – the longer you hold it, the better it sinks in; fermata on problem note
  2. Paul Bro, saxophone – altered rhythms – duplets, triplets ( instantly better) – longer notes sink in; each note must be the longer note; D. Ray McClellan’s wife
  3. Altered articulations – more reps; Rob Roy McGregor – unproductive after 6 times (orchestral excerpt etudes)
  4. Clay’s technique – Madison Scouts – additive technique
  5. Left handed – James Stamp

Arban – Lazy people usually use lips rather than valves