Double and triple tongue – principle – substitute another consonant for ”t” – to increase speed; normal substitution is “k” – use “g” with “d”
3 Main rules:
1. Keep the air moving (
non-stop, water sprinkler)
2. Keep the air moving; gap where k should be
3. Keep the air moving – legato air, sing with airy sound – multiple tone requires
more air
Age to start – Here Kitty, Kitty – kids don’t think it’s hard; the longer you wait, the harder kids think it is
Use the Arban to learn, not solos!
Learning Process:
Double or Triple????? Start with whichever is easiest
1. Speak – TuKuTuTuKu or TuKuTu (flute) same as TTK
2. Whisper
3. Blow – with lips puckered
4. Practice “Kill the K” – TKTK, KTKT, KK
Practice – ½ of the learning time to get to a good K; the other ½ takes you from super slow to really fast
Play – Repetition – bad k’s =
lack of repetition, 10,000,000:1 = T:K – extreme repetition – tongue needs
5. Start super slow and gradually speed up
6. Alternate single and double tongue measures (repeat the measure so nothing
is different)
Allow adequate time at each step – need to get the hang or the knack of this
Wheel of fortune: air= wheel, tongue = flap
It’s like down-shifting – the engine slows down but the tempo picks up
- Keep corners firm
- Keep notes long – legato – arrow over notes
- Slur, then tongue; repeat the same passage – not as written
- Add Crescendo
- Keep air continuous – k is usually in the space
- Practice at single tongue tempos, gradually accelerate using a metronome
- Keep “T” good – ½ (or 1/3) of the notes are “T’s”
- Practice eighth & two sixteenths and two sixteenths & an eighth; prevents boredom
- Convert continuous passages to these rhythms and then go back to what’s written (Goedicke)
- Must overlap single and multiple tongue tempos (secret ceremony – tempo from quarter – 121-131)
- Focus on melody line, phrasing, (music)
Use tip of
Ray Crisara – multiple tongue only when you have to – or else you lose your single tongue speed
Lloyd Geisler – double tongued everything
Double tongue to play loud – fast single tongue requires that you lighten, which may not be what’s needed
Many suggest dagah for fastest
speeds – okay, but not sharp and not effective for fanfares or where you need
sharp attacks; ttk can be too hard if the desired effect is more like a marimba
Hunt- Says coughing one note- bad mental image
Multiple tongue on the move – another level of difficulty; extreme repetition and patience required; Branstine: stay with one pattern before moving on – you concentrate on the tonguing, not on which note comes next
K in the middle vs. K at the end:
Arban theme and variations – better
to use TTK to help negotiate jump
Firebird – TKT (rest)
Be sure it is triplets, not 3
sixteenths and a sixteenth rest – more of a problem with
or for arpeggios – TKT – K is on a lower note
Fanfare tongue TKT KTK – fastest triple tongue!