From an old post…
Memorial Day, 2010 weekend was the busiest I’ve ever been as a trumpet player:
Friday – I played e-flat soprano cornet on two concerts with the Natural State Brass Band in Little Rock – the first was for NeighborhoodUSA and the second was for Riverfest (plus a soundcheck). Playing soprano cornet is like playing a recital during a band concert. In only blends in during unison passages with the cornets. Otherwise, you can always hear it. I played soprano cornet for 8 years in brass bands, but most of that was 20 years ago. It takes a while to get back in the groove!
Saturday – a rehearsal and two concerts with the South Arkansas Symphony. The final concert was on the town square, but the weather wasn’t too bad. Pops concerts are always fun, because the trumpets play all the time, which makes you very grateful for the measures of rests, unlike many concerts when all you do is count rests!
Sunday – a church service and a recital with the Arkansas Brass. I’ve been with the Arkansas Brass for 20 years, but this is the longest we’ve ever played without an intermission — an hour and half straight.
So, 6 concerts and two rehearsals in three days.
Monday – I didn’t play much…I’m not sure why…